The Right Mindset for Interview Success


Destructive mindsets at Interviews should be avoided

Many job seekers consider interviews to be tests. They believe that interviews are similar to police interrogations. People who have this attitude believe the interviewer is in the room to expose their flaws. Worse yet, some people mistakenly interpret the interview as a judgment of their worth as a person. Interviewers find it difficult to digest information and display confidence in the interview room because of the anxiety created by such attitudes. People with a certain mentality miss out on chances. Those beliefs are, of course, mostly wrong!


Keep in mind that interviews are just discussions

Instead of looking for a flaw and locking you up, interviewers want to hear about how you’ve done things well in your career and how you’ve learned from failures. That is, most interviews are structured to resemble conversations rather than verbal tests. 

Yes, interview questions might be challenging at times, but keep in mind that interviewers are more interested in discovering the value you can bring to the table than looking for your shortcomings. 

In fact, interviewing is more like being interviewed by a late-night talk-show host than it is like going through an interrogation.

Consider interviewers as potential coworkers

Many interviewees find it useful to imagine the interviewer as a colleague with whom they have already worked for a few years. This “colleague viewpoint” aids interviewers in assuming the right level of confidence and professionalism upon entering the room. 

“Can I picture myself working with this person?” is one of the overriding questions on every interviewer’s mind. As a result, if you communicate with your interviewer in a collaborative manner, they will be able to make a more accurate (and presumably preferable) evaluation. 

You should communicate with the interviewer with a level of professionalism that balances their seniority with your authority as part of the “colleague viewpoint.”


Remember that interviews do not decide your worth

When they see a job seeker depressed after not obtaining many offers, career advisors all around the world are worried. The interviewer’s mentality that they don’t have worth is generally the source of the interviewee’s sorrow after rejection.

However, the outcome of any interview has no bearing on your worth as a person or your ability to provide value. Interviews are only used to assess which applicant appears to have the most to offer.

Furthermore, not obtaining a job offer following an interview might indicate a number of factors.

Another possibility is that another applicant conveyed their worth, and the hiring team thought that candidate could contribute value in a manner that you couldn’t. 

Another reason you may not have received a job offer is that you did not properly convey the value you might provide to the company. Keep that memory in the back of your mind in case you don’t get a job offer. Remember that you have value to offer organizations, and you must clearly express that worth.

Embrace a growth mindset

You’ll have an easier time preparing for and performing in interviews if you have a growth mentality. A growth mindset emphasizes understanding what you can do to improve rather than focusing on what you’re doing incorrectly. People that have a development mentality focus on progress rather than wallowing or maintaining ego. 

Rather than depending on the communication abilities that have served them well in the past, someone with a development mindset will invest time in developing their communication skills throughout the preparation. They’ll practice interviewing and seek constructive criticism so they can understand where they can improve.

You can also ace the interview process with some professional help and/or training. The Getting Interview Ready workshop helps you out in your interview process by guiding you and giving you tips and specific preparation for your desired companies. It includes some of the following aspects:

  • Resume & Cover Letter
  • Aptitude, Technical & Psychometric Tests
  • Group Discussion
  • Personal Interview
  • Impactful LinkedIn Profile
  • Company-specific Preparation
  • Building your network


People with development mindsets do not consider an interview a failure if they fumble through one question. They accept their own disappointment and concentrate on providing a fantastic response to the following topic. Interviewees with growth mindsets believe they are job prospects until they are told differently by recruiting teams. They seek comments after receiving the rejection email and then go on to pursue another position. People with development mindsets are more concerned with the process than with the results.

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