Essential Keywords for Financial Due Diligence Resumes

A professional office desk setup featuring an open laptop with a resume template displaying financial keywords, financial reports, a calculator, and a cup of coffee on the desk. The background shows a bookshelf filled with finance and business books.

Introduction to Financial Due Diligence

Financial due diligence is the process of thoroughly reviewing and analyzing the financial information and records of a company, typically in the context of a merger, acquisition, or investment. Financial due diligence aims to assess the financial health and potential risks of the company in question.

This process typically involves examining financial statements, assessing the company’s accounting practices, analyzing its debt and liquidity, and evaluating its past and potential future financial performance.

Optimizing Your Resume with Key Financial Due Diligence (FDD) Keywords

In the competitive world of finance, standing out in a sea of applicants begins with a robust resume. Particularly in the Financial Due Diligence (FDD) domain, where precision and expertise are prized, the right keywords are not just buzzwords but essential tools that bridge your skills with potential employer needs. This blog explores key FDD terms that you should incorporate into your resume to make it ATS-friendly and attention-worthy for hiring managers.

Keywords for ResumeKeywords for ResumeKeywords for Resume
Accretion/Dilution AnalysisFinancial Due Diligence Report PreparationPortfolio Valuation
Accruals ManagementFinancial Forecast ReviewPost-merger Integration
Asset ManagementFinancial ForecastingPro Forma Financials
Asset Quality ReviewFinancial Health AssessmentQualitative Analysis
Audit SupportFinancial MetricsQuantitative Analysis
Audited Financial ReviewFinancial ModelingQuantitative Risk Modeling
Business IntelligenceFinancial Modeling and ProjectionsRegulatory Compliance
Business ValuationFinancial ProjectionsRegulatory Risk Assessment
Capital Expenditure AnalysisFinancial ReportingRestructuring
Capital Expenditure Analysis (CapEx)Financial SimulationReturn on Equity (ROE) Analysis
Capital MarketsFinancial Statement AnalysisReturn on Investment (ROI) Analysis
Capital Structure AnalysisForecast AccuracyRevenue Forecasting
Capitalization of CostsForensic AccountingRevenue Recognition
Cash Flow AnalysisGovernance ComplianceRisk Assessment
Cash Flow ForecastingHistorical Financial AnalysisScenario Analysis
Cash Flow ValidationIFRS / US GAAP ComplianceScenario Planning
ComplianceImpairment Financial AnalysisSector Analysis
Compliance VerificationInternal-Control EvaluationsSensitivity Analysis
Covenant TestingInternal Rate of Return (IRR)Stakeholder Reporting
Credit AnalysisInvestment AnalysisStrategic Financial Planning
Credit Risk AssessmentInvestment Risk AnalysisStrategic Planning
Data AnalyticsLeverage Metrics AnalysisStrategic Planning
Deal StructuringLeveraged Buyouts (LBO)Substantive Procedures
Debt SchedulingLiquidity AnalysisSynergy Analysis
Debt StructuringLiquidity Risk ManagementTax Compliance Review
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)M&A Integration PlanningTax Due Diligence
Due DiligenceMarket AnalysisTransaction Advisory Services
Due Diligence DocumentationMarket Entry AnalysisTransaction Screening
Due Diligence ReportingMergers & Acquisitions (M&A)Underlying Profit Analysis
Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) AnalysisNon-recurring Costs AdjustmentValuation
Earnings QualityNormalized EarningsValuation Adjustments
EBITDA AdjustmentsNPV (Net Present Value)Valuation Modeling
EBITDA ReconciliationOperational Cash Burn AnalysisVariance Analysis Reporting
Equity ValuationOperational Due DiligenceVendor Due Diligence
Financial AnalysisOperational Efficiency ReviewWorking Capital Adjustment
Financial Compliance AuditingP&L ScrutinyWorking Capital Efficiency
Financial Data Integrity ReviewPerformance BenchmarkingYear-over-Year Growth Analysis

Practical Application:

Integrating these keywords into your resume should go beyond listing skills. Use them to narrate achievements and responsibilities. For example, instead of merely stating Experienced in EBITDA Adjustments,” expand with a specific instance, such as “Optimized financial reports by performing EBITDA adjustments that enhanced the company’s investment decision-making process.


Incorporating the right keywords into your resume is crucial for capturing the attention of hiring managers in the FDD domain. By effectively using the terms discussed, you can present yourself as a well-rounded candidate ready to tackle the challenges of due diligence.

Gain mastery over Ratio Analysis, Adjusted EBITDA, Net Debt. Dive deep into Financial Due Diligence with our FDD Masterclass, expertly guided by Shivam Palan.
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